But the post, as such, is not on topic. You agree that Google may stop permanently or temporarily providing the SDK or any features within the SDK to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. In this case, use the -mno-ldc1-sdc1 flag to workaround the problem. Made the following header and library fixes to android Removed the following symbols, introduced in GCC 4. When you run the application on the device, the string Hello JNI should appear on your device. Issue Fixed a problem where stlport new sometimes returned random values. android ndk 10d

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You may override it to use the ld. Issue Fixed the ndk-stack script to proceed even when it can't parse a frame due to inability to find a routine, filename, or line number.

android ndk 10d

Added a notification to the toolchain build script that warns you if the current shell is not bash. In that case, this License Agreement does not affect your legal relationship with these third parties.

Android NDK Revision 10d available : Standard C++

These samples run on devices with Android 4. Fixed MCLinker to accept the --no-warn-mismatch option. Adds support for the x86 ABI, which allows you to generate machine code that runs on compatible xbased Android devices. You agree that Google may stop permanently or 10dd providing the SDK or any features within the SDK to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you.

NDK Revision History | Android NDK | Android Developers

Event loop APIs to wait for things such as input and sensor events. These symbols are exported for ARM builds by the system version of the C library to support legacy androd libraries.

This change results in smaller code. These implications do not apply to shared libraries. The pragma takes precedence. Fixed samples Teapot and MoreTeapots: Issue Fixed stdatomic. This data type is now the same size as a double, but is still treated as a distinct type. Chromium Issue Important bug fixes: You may remove wndroid existing definition of struct ucontext.

android ndk 10d

Issue Fixed Windows pathname support, by keeping the: Added utimensat to libc. There is currently no support for bit types.

The default linker remains ld.

Android NDK

The r5c release addresses the following problems in the r5b release: For more information, see the section on ARM Neon intrinsics support in the x86 documentation.

Removed non-existent symbols from bit libc. Each package now contains both the and the bit headers, libraries, and tools for its respective platform. This should be the best answer, just go to http: Fixed a problem where the auto-generated dependency files were zndroid.

Removed 5 unnecessary static initializers from the library. Issue Corrected typo in errno. Some bugfixes for ndk-gdb. Removed support for Clang 3. With this flag, the global variable optimization pass of LLVM tries to evaluate the global variables with nndk constructors and promote them to global constants.

This change had no impact on correctness, but using the right ABI should provide slightly better performance. Android Issue The -Wl--warn-shared-textreland -Wl,--fatal-warnings options are now enabled by default.

Additionally, the Android system itself also checks your application at install time and allows the installation to continue only if the application provides a library that is compiled for the device's CPU architecture.
